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Phil Dregger

Salas O'Brien (formerly TRS)


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Principal Member
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Salas O'Brien (formerly TRS)
Business Phone
925 356-7770
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Vice President
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Professional Engineer (CA, MN, NV)
Registered Roof Consultant, IIBEC-Fellow

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (beyond simple memberships)
- RCI (Roof Consultants Institute) - Director (1990 - 1993), Fellow (1997), Education Task Force (1992 – 1997)
- CRRC (Cool Roof Rating Council) - Board of Directors (2010 to 2018)
- SIGDERS (Special Interest Group for Dynamic Evaluation of Roofing Systems), Directors (2009 – Present)
- RICOWI (Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues), Director (1992 - 2010), Wind Investigations (1996 - 2013), Hail Investigations (2011)
- RIEI (Roof Industry Educational Institute) - Faculty Member (1993 - 2001)
Describe how you lead or support your organization's construction related projects.
Phil Dregger is a Professional Engineer, Registered Roof Consultant, and Fellow of the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC, formerly RCI). Mr. Dregger provides expert testimony (>50 depositions / arbitrations / trials) about a wide range of roofing, waterproofing, and building enclosure systems. Phil has expertise in California Title 24 Part 6 (Energy Code); roof drainage; wind/hurricane damage; patent litigation and condensation problems; including hygrothermal analysis of wood decay, biological growth, and corrosion using WUFI Pro, ASHRAE Standard 160, and ASTM E3054. Phil lectures often to industry groups, has authored many technical articles, and recently received the ASTM D08 William C Cullen Award and the IIBEC/RCI Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Roofing Systems
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Waterproofing, Water Management
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*Contractor (Specify Specialty)

"Crowd Consulting Conundrum – KEE Membrane Fractures”, RCI Interface, September 2017.
“Leaky” Exhaust Vents – The 500-lb Gorilla of Condensation Problems, RCI Interface, April 2017.
“Good But Potentially Misleading Guidelines”, RCI Interface, May/June 2014.
“Rain Collapse – A Roof Consultant’s Nightmare”, RCI Interface, October 2013
“Cool Roofs Cause Condensation, Fact or Fiction?” Western Roofing, Jan/Feb 2012. (Listed as reference document, Continuing Ed. Center, “Cool Roofing for Cool Climates”, November 2019.
“Rooftop Photovoltaics” Proceedings 24th RCI International Convention, March 2009.
“California Energy Code – 2008 Updates” Western Roofing, Nov/Dec 2008.
“California Cool Roofs: A Snapshot of Installed Costs,” Western Roofing, Nov/Dec 2006.
“Hurricanes Charley/Ivan Investigations,” RICOWI Wind Investigation Program Report, March 2006, authored 1 of 9 Report Sections.
“The Wind Investigator – How to Approximate Wind Velocities at Roof Level,” RCI Interface, October 2005.
“Air Infiltration–The Enemy of Wind Resistance & Condensation Control”, RCI Interface, June 2002. Listed in 2011 Baskaran paper “Air Intrusion and Its Effect on Moisture Transport” and in 2009 ASTM Manual 18, Chapter 16 “Roofs” by Wayne Tobiasson.)
"Steep Roofing-Underlayment Upgrades that Sometimes Aren't", Western Roofing, Jan/Feb 2001 (reprinted in Copper and Common Sense, 8th Edition, 2005, 5.A.4ff).
“Comparing SBS and SEBS Polymers – Factual Statements Can Still Be Misleading”, RCI Interface, October 1998.
“Lightweight Decks and FMRC Approvals”, RCI Interface, September, 1996.
“Roof Coatings – Selection of Roof Coatings can be Confusing”, Western Roofing, Mar/Apr 1995.
“Asking the Impossible — Merging Wood Decks and FM Approved Assemblies is Sometimes Impossible”, Western Roofing Magazine, Jan/Feb, 1994.
“Hurricane Force, Understanding and Minimizing the Risk of Wind Damage”, Western Roofing, Nov/Dec 1992 (Part I) and Jan/Feb 1993 (Part II).
“Role of Air-Retarders Deserves Closer Scrutiny”, Professional Roofing, October, 1991 (Listed as reference document in ANSI/SPRI RP-4-1997 (thru current version) “Wind Design Standard for Ballasted Single Ply Roofing Systems”).
“Acrylic Roof Coatings — Not a Quick Fix for Bad Damage”, RSI Magazine, October, 1990.
“Cold Weather Roofing Failures”, Proceedings - ASCE Cold Regions, Engineering Conference, University of Minnesota, February, 1989, co-author Richard Knatterud.
**Other Categories (List up to four, if applicable)
condensation, roof drainage
hygrothermal analysis (WUFI, ASHRAE Std 160), insurance claims, remedial design

2018 Performance Based Design for Wind - Peer review of “ASCE Pre-Standard for Performance–Based Design for Wind” report.
2012 Roof Drain Research - Peer review of ASPE Foundation Research project report, “Flow Rate Through Roof Drains” by Julius Ballanco
2012 Overseas Federal Project - Wind uplift calculations, for new construction at USAG Camp Humphreys in Pyongtaek, South Korea.
2005ff Solar PV – Project development, construction related services, technology assessment, advanced support, and dispute resolution services. Clients include San Francisco Public Utility Commission (thru AEPC), PowerLight Corporation, SunLink Corporation, and individual property owners (e.., Sakata Seed).
2006ff Patent Analysis – Infringement and validity analyses of patents involving roof tile, roof ventilation, and roof mounting systems.
2005ff CA Title 24 Part 6 – Technical assistance to association of roof manufacturers regarding California Energy Code (CA Title 24 Part 6)
2000ff Manufacturer’s Advisory Panels - Johns Manville, Georgia Pacific, Durolast, Carlisle, GAF.
1989ff University of California, leak investigations, construction documents, repair recommendations on the Berkeley campus.
1996-2013 National Wind Design Standards, canvassing committees, ANSI/SPRI ES 1, “Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems, ANSI/SPRI RP-4, “Wind Design Standard for Ballasted Single Ply Systems
1994-1996 Wind Research Project, Steering Committee for Roof Edge Metal Research at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.

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